Selecting the best vinyl siding colors for your home is a tough one. Finding the best siding colors will make a huge impact on the overall look of your home and should be given quite a bit of thought before the selection process is complete. Here’s what you need to know.
Best Vinyl Siding Colors By Manufacturer
If you’ve already settled on a manufacturer, then it is best to look only at the colors that they offer. For some companies, this can be only a handful of color selections, and for others it may be a wide spectrum of colors. You should be able to get color swatches or samples either from the store that you are purchasing the siding or from the company installing the siding. Either way, you should quickly be able to weed out most of the colors offered – for example, if you know you want neutral tones, you can discount the reds, blues and greens. If you’re going for a brighter, bolder look, you can ignore the grays, whites and creams. For instance, Hardiplank color combinations range from soft browns to bold grays and blues.
Keep In Mind The Style Of Your Home
When choosing a color for your home’s siding, keep in mind the style of your home. Some colors look better on certain styles of homes than others and this can help you narrow down your choice. If you have a more historic or older home (check out Mitten beaded siding as an example) , you will probably want to stick with more traditional colors so the color choice doesn’t look out of line with the home’s traditional roots.
Accessories And Exterior Colors
Accessories can make a difference on the overall color chosen for your home if you are not changing them, too. For example, if all of your hardware (doorknobs, lighting, etc) is brass, copper or nickel, they will go better with certain colors than others. If you have shutters or a painted front door that you are not replacing, consider those color influences as well. Also keep in mind any other external color s that will complement or fight with your potential vinyl siding color choice, such as flowers, walkways, sheds and so on.
Take A Look At Your Neighbors’ Homes
It’s worth taking a look around to see what colors your neighbors’ homes are. If they are all varying shades of white, beige and grey, then your house may stick out like a sore thumb if it is bright red or deep green. Your home doesn’t need to be the same color as the surrounding houses (it shouldn’t be), but should blend in nicely so it doesn’t look out of place.
When In Doubt, Stick With Classy, Neutral Tones
Unless you are sticking with a historical color palette or you feel very strongly about a particular bold color (like red or blue), stick with tried-and-true neutrals. Remember that your vinyl siding will last for a long time and you don’t want to be sorry a few years down the road that you have a bright yellow home when all the surrounding homes are elegant shades of beige and tan. Check out our Mastic siding color samples to see some nice neutral color options.
The Real Work Begins
Getting rid of the definite “no’s” is usually a lot easier than coming up with a definite “yes”, but at least it narrows down the field. Look at the potential color options all next to each other and as you do so, you will usually find some that you like more than others. Get rid of the ones that are less appealing to you. In most cases, you can bring home samples of the colored siding to look at, or at least a brochure that includes the various different color swatches. Keep any colors that are in the running out in a visible spot for a few days and continually look at them because you’ll start to get a sense for what colors are more appealing than others.
Get Outside With Your Color Samples
It is best to view your narrow selection of color choices outside where they will be installed. The colors should be looked at from different locations around the house and at different times of the day. This will give you a better idea of what the color will look like when it’s on the house all the time.If it’s winter time, think about what your home will look like when the angle of the summer sun is different, the flowers are in full bloom, and all of your outdoor furniture is out on your patio.
If you’re really stuck on two or three colors, see if you can get a larger sample.