Shake Siding

Shake siding is a type of shingle made from split wood. Traditional shakes have a more rustic or natural look to them than a standard shingle siding because they are more grooved and have less uniformity in shape and size. Traditionally, they cost a bit less than shingles and will last longer because they are often split to be thicker in width.

shake siding

“Shakes are shingles of wood were traditionally split from wood, giving them a grooved and rustic look. They can either be hand-split or taper-sawn, which looks more like a shingle.”

Basics Of Shake Siding

Shakes are shingles of wood were traditionally split from wood, giving them a grooved and rustic look. Today of course they are made from precision machines that split them and range in width at the butt from ½” – ¾”. Shakes can either be hand-split or taper-sawn, which looks more like a shingle. Shakes can be either straight or staggered, which really adds a level of rustic country to the look of a home. Many manufacturers now produce vinyl shake siding, which mimics the look of shakes without the considerable maintenance cost and effort.

Cost Of Shake Siding

Entry / Mid Range Cost: $3.50 – $5.00 psf
Expect $350 to $500 in total for each square (100 ft.) installed.

Mid / High End Costs: $5.00 – $6.50 psf
Expect $500 to $650 in total for each square (100 ft.) installed.

Learn more on shake siding prices.

Benefits Of Shake Siding

Unique & Attractive
Shake siding offers the beauty of a natural wood cladding, along with a simple, rustic and attractive appearance. Certainly the look is not for everyone and some homeowners prefer to accent a top triangle section for instance with shakes while using standard lap siding for the rest of the home.

Choice & Selection
Shakes are available from a huge array of siding manufacturers in distinct textures, shapes and vinyl siding colors options. The most popular option is cedar, which is available in different grades and qualities. Regardless of your home’s design or style, there are a number of options to choose from.

Good Insulator
Like all wood siding, shakes natural insulate a home, which helps keep the house cool in the summer and warm in the winter. In addition, it helps to reduce the sounds from outside and keep a quiet home. The material is nice and lightwieght and therefore easy to install.

Durable Material
Shakes are known for being durable, certainly because of their width as compared to traditional shingles. Cedar shake siding has an oil that keeps away insects and termites (but still should be treated to maximize their longevity). Vinyl options are obviously not prone to insects, rot and discoloration, although fading can occur (especially in entry level products).

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